Friday, March 15, 2019

PSY 301, Introductory Psychology, Fall 2005, Exam 3 B :: UTEXAS Texas Psychology

Form B Name __________________________ Date _____________ antecedent Psychology, Fall 2005 (Hawkins)Exam 3Instructions Write your name and the come across on the top of this exam. Your must turn in thisexam on with your answer tabloid. On the answer sheet, print your EID, blacken the letters of your EID and entrust the other information requested. (Dont forget to put which form of the exam you took) mean to blacken your choice for each item on the answer sheet (A, B, C, or D) and completely erase your questions. Good luck 1.Isaac, a 25-year-old rightfulness student, is heterosexual his brother Chaim, a 21-year-old college senior, is homosexual. The brothers obviously differ in their A) gender identity. B)sexual role. C)sexual orientation. D)gender type. E)gender schema. 2.Mentally rehearsing ones resentments contributes to ________ perspiration levels and ________ split pressure levels than mentally rehearsing forgiveness. A) sink lower B)higher higher C)lower higher D)highe r lower 3.State Universitys psychology department and teach of medicine are co-sponsoring a new professional program that applies manneral and medical knowledge to health and disease. State University will clearly be offering a new degree in A)medical psychology. B) benignant engineering. C)behavioral medicine. D)neuropsychology. 4.Rush hour traffic is to upset stomach as ________ is to ________. A)fight flight B)Type B Type A C) lymphocyte macrophage D)hypertension indigestion E)stressor stress reaction 5.Research on apprehension aversion in rats led to the discovery that suppression of the immune outline can be influenced by A)biofeedback. B)Type A behaviors. C)elevated cholesterin levels. D)classical conditioning. E)aerobic exercise. 6.According to the two-factor speculation, the two basic components of emotions are ________ and ________. A) nervus facialis expressions cognitive labels B)emotion-arousing events physical arousal C)physical arousal overt behavior D)cognit ive labels physical arousal 7.The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the fact that when people feel contented they A)are more willing to help others. B)perceive the world as a safer place. C)make decisions more effectively. D)experience a more incontrovertible self-image. E)report greater satisfaction with their whole lives. 8.British civil run workers in executive positions live longer than those in clerical positions. This outgo illustrates the value of A)spontaneous remission. B)perceived control. C)the general adaptation syndrome. D)alternative medicine. 9.The two-factor theory of emotion was proposed by A)Walter Cannon. B)Robert Zajonc. C)William James. D)Stanley Schachter. E)Richard Lazarus. 10.In response to stress, the adrenal gland releases A)epinephrine. B)lymphocytes. C)uric acid. D)teratogens. E)acetylcholine. 11.Who suggested that we feel sorry because we cry . . . afraid because we tremble?

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